Monday, December 31, 2012

#18 - Newton Challenge Malaysia, 30 December 2012

It has come to this then - Bandar Kinrara became the witness to my worst performance in a running race, ever. Even politicians didn't let me down this hard. So, let me just sum up the Newton Challenge Malaysia in a few handy points.

1. Baguette and butter alone IS NOT ENOUGH for a breakfast. Carb-loading a few days prior has got nothing on running with an empty stomach feeling.

2. Never take your race preparation easily. If it's a 25km run, then you have to prepare like it's a 25km run, and not a kid's dash.

3. Bananas make excellent immediate post-race food, especially when you are found starving. It's worth it to spend a bit more on really good bananas. Those sold at the night market are of the inferior kind.

That's that, then. Otherwise, for a disappointing outing, the finisher's medal is totes awesome.

At least next time around I can brag to others, saying: "Hey, I have a Newton shoe, and it's wicked metal."

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