Saturday, December 8, 2012

#9 - Dance Punk Party, New Order Tribute

One guy in this picture is having a time of his life and totally ruined a good picture

Another Enterprise-related news, the band will be performing at the upcoming Dance Punk Party - New Order Tribute, taking place on the 15th of December, Saturday, 1930 hours onwards.

Other bands to perform include Khottal (never heard/seen them before), Free Deserters (think have seen them before but can't remember where, when, what), The Otherside Orchestra (definitely have seen them before; can't be bothered to remember - perhaps it was that one with that one indie dance band that was not Komplot and with a female vocalist), Black Diamond Folds (nope), Think! Tadpole! Think! (seen them twice before, very interesting), and Moist (uh... no I guess).

One guy who's not in this picture is having a time of his life and did not ruin a good picture. Good!

Holy shit, only now I remembered that all the pictures of previous gigs that I have attended all throughout 2012 is in my laptop, which is now failing on me. And I don't have any other backup copies.

Dun dun dun...

I did took one real bitching picture of T!T!T! performing at Palate Palette. I'd be really pissed off if can't rescue that one. Damn you to electronic goods Hell, Acer!

One guy in the picture is having a music euphoria-induced orgasm

All pictures are *courtesy-copied from the blog Herobear. As the Germans would say: Danke! Whoever you are...

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